Hiring Strategy

Maximize the Success of your Business with an Effective Recruiting Strategy in 2019- HR Affiliates Blog

The process of recruiting new employees has changed overtime, impacted by advances in technology, shifts in social culture, and of course, the state of the job market. Did you know we are currently experiencing the tightest job market and lowest unemployment rate in years? The world of recruitment has been impacted by this greatly. Employers who are still relying on the old post-a-job-and-expect-an-inquiry approach are doing their business an injustice. Not only is the process time-consuming and costly, but also repelling to candidates — as they are actually picking you. 

No More Posting and Hoping 

By now I’m sure you’re wondering how you can recruit strong candidates to your business. First things first, strong candidates are eager to work in progressive environments; they expect their talent to be valued, their voices be heard, and their well-being be cared for. Candidates today care less for compensation, and more about additional benefits a company can offer them; some of these benefits including: flexible work hours, workplace culture, social events (offsite/onsite), student loan repayment aid, physical/mental health support, and more. Candidates are in quest of the leading places to work, big or small, your business can be one of them, with the right tools.

An effective recruitment strategy looks like a lot of things, not just one. Candidates are seeking employers who are actualizing profitable recruiting tactics, so we’ve compiled a list of what that looks like:

  • Recruitment Marketing 
  • Employer Branding
  • Inbound Recruiting
  • Improved Candidate Engagement

Putting these recruiting tactics to use will maximize the potential of the success within your candidate pool and increase long term retention. 

Cut the Cost by Hiring an HR Professional

Mediocre recruiting tactics are costing companies too much in the long-run, especially the rippling expense of a bad hire. Hiring an HR professional will get your business on track, as we work with the flow of shifts surrounding the job market, and are experts at keeping up with what strong candidates are seeking in businesses and potential employers. 

Improving recruitment strategies, building your reputation, driving employee engagement, and respecting your budget — it all feels overwhelming, we know. You need a team to help you manage the details. HR Affiliates is invested in making sure your business reaches its fullest potential by working to personalize a constructive, cost-effective recruitment strategy. Become familiar with our recruiting tactics — the list is only growing.

Customize Your Strategy for a Long-Term Solution 

The importance of having an HR expert on your side is paramount, but if you take anything from this, let it be that the recruitment days of posting and hoping are over. Every business needs a cost effective outlet, and we are here to help your business recruit the right employees, the right way. Thriving businesses start with a strong leadership team who breed a healthy work environment with engaged employees. HR Affiliates exists to make your business thrive, leaving behind the overpriced and time-consuming recruiting tactics that aren’t profiting your business. We have a long-term solution that is always progressing based on emerging recruitment and hiring strategies. 

Don’t get left behind, get in contact with us today by filling out the form below.

Let’s talk Recruitment Strategy.

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