HR Innovation

What Insurance Brokers and HR Professionals Have In Common – HR Affiliates Blog

Everyone can benefit from knowing a good HR consultant, especially when you’re in the business of ensuring your clients’ success. The ability to focus, the opportunity to mitigate risk, and the synergy of knowledge all can go a long way for an insurance broker with an HR professional in the rolodex. In this post, we break down three significant similarities shared between insurance firms and HR specialists.

Insurance brokers and HR professionals communicate important benefits

Both HR consultants and insurance brokers work actively to explain and coordinate important benefits for employees and policy holders. Insurance agents work closely with their clients to communicate clearly the nuances of the benefits according to individual plans and policies, while HR consultants similarly step in to implement and maintain a clear understanding of what benefits individual employees are eligible for. It’s the responsibility of both HR and insurance agents to maintain a clear channel of communication, especially when work and health benefits are involved.

Insurance agencies and HR firms approach and manage risk

HR professionals and insurance brokers aim to manage and mitigate risk appropriately — both in the workplace and outside of it. What’s more, both HR and insurance agents make it their top priority to ensure their business practices remain compliant according to state and federal regulations. Both are fully aware of the consequences associated with breaking compliance, and both actively seek to avoid costly litigation.

Insurance and HR industry leaders consult for success

Insurance companies and HR firms both provide creative solutions to their clients. While insurance professionals offer helpful consultative services so their customers can choose their best healthcare, auto, and/or life insurance policies, HR specialists engage with their own consultation practices. These can include issues concerning a company’s growth, employee training, or administering payroll, to name a few. Both are in the business of guaranteeing their clients’ success in offering substantive, meaningful advice to ensure their clients reach the next step.

When insurance brokers and HR professionals work together, work gets done effectively and efficiently. If you’re looking to team up with a proven HR industry leader, fill out the form below, and let’s set up a time to get to know each other.

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