Benefits Administration, EZ HR

Eliminate Your Open Enrollment Stress

It’s time for benefits Open Enrollment. Typically, not the most exciting time of the year for HR. It can be the most frustrating, the most time-consuming, and the most stressful for your employees. Employers must navigate rising health care costs, aggressive high inflation, hybrid work arrangements, and high employee expectations. The past couple of years …

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Benefits Administration, EZ HR, Payroll Administration

It’s Time to Talk Real People Operations – PEOs and DIY HR are not the Resources Your Humans Need

We can’t help but notice that there are more and more Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and online HR support platforms being offered these days. Many of these are being offered by payroll companies, insurance companies, accounting firms, and other service providers as an “add on” service to their core business. It’s more than a little …

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Benefits Administration, EZ HR

Eliminate Your Open Enrollment Stress

It’s time for benefits Open Enrollment. Typically, not the most exciting time of the year for HR. It can be the most frustrating, the most time-consuming, and the most stressful for your employees. Employers must navigate rising health care costs, aggressive high inflation, hybrid work arrangements, and high employee expectations. The past couple of years …

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HR Management

So, what does HR really do? Part 1

You’d be surprised by how many people we come across who don’t really have a full understanding of everything we do, or can do, as HR professionals. HR is often considered as a one-dimensional caricature, either Toby Flenderson from The Office, a party planner with not much else to do, or some corporate spy whose …

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