Compliance for HR, HR Updates

BREAKING NEWS: OSHA Issues COVID-19 Workplace Vaccine and Testing Mandate

This morning, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to implement President Biden’s vaccine mandate stating that employers with 100 or more workers must require COVID-19 vaccinations or a weekly negative test result before coming to work. The implementation of the vaccine mandate will impact more than …

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Compliance for HR, HR Innovation, HR Management

How Professional Employer Organizations can help your business. Or not. – HR Affiliates Blog

The limited pros and myriad of cons of Professional Employer Organizations Professional employer organizations (PEOs) require a “joint-employment relationship” with their clients. Under this arrangement, the PEO hires the employees from their clients and leases them back to their original employer. This allows the PEO to “share and manage employee-related responsibilities and liabilities,” including outsourcing …

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Compliance for HR, HR Innovation, HR Management

What are Professional Employer Organizations? – HR Affiliates Blog

You’ve probably seen certain large, well-known companies here on LinkedIn and other social media and networking sites advertise their HR services. They’ll offer to do payroll administration, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, employment taxes, even employee relations, recruiting and training, at a lower cost than having an internal HR department.   Sounds good, right? Sure. Who doesn’t …

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Compliance for HR, Hiring Strategy, HR Management

Department of Labor pulls independent contractor rule. – HR Affiliates Blog

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has withdrawn the previous administration’s rule that allowed businesses to more easily classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees.  “The department believes that the rule is inconsistent with the [Fair Labor Standards Act’s] FLSA’s text and purpose and would have a confusing and disruptive effect on workers and …

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Compliance for HR

OSHA Posting Requirements have changed due to Covid. Learn how these changes can affect your employees and your business. – HR Affiliates Blog

For those employers that are required to post OSHA’s Form 300-A, the agency provided an update for 2021. If you aren’t sure whether you are required to post, check the list of exempt industries here. For all OSHA recordkeeping requirements, click here.  Will OSHA expect employers to post their 300A Form in 2021? Check out this …

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Compliance for HR, HR Management

U.S. Department of Labor Clarifies Independent Contractor Status Under the FLSA – HR Affiliates Blog

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently published a final rule on its interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) classification that determines whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. According to the DOL, there are no significant changes from the independent contractor rule proposed in September 2020. That rule adopted …

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Compliance for HR


On January 21, 2021, President Biden issued an “Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety,” which requires the Department of Labor (“DOL”), acting through its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), to issue new COVID-19 workplace safety guidance for employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act within two weeks of the date of …

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