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Benefits Administration, EZ HR

Eliminate Your Open Enrollment Stress

It’s time for benefits Open Enrollment. Typically, not the most exciting time of the year for HR. It can be the most frustrating, the most time-consuming, and the most stressful for your employees. Employers must navigate rising health care costs, aggressive high inflation, hybrid work arrangements, and high employee expectations. The past couple of years …

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Benefits Administration, EZ HR, Payroll Administration

It’s Time to Talk Real People Operations – PEOs and DIY HR are not the Resources Your Humans Need

We can’t help but notice that there are more and more Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and online HR support platforms being offered these days. Many of these are being offered by payroll companies, insurance companies, accounting firms, and other service providers as an “add on” service to their core business. It’s more than a little …

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HR Management, HR Strategy, Training

Great HR Trains Great HR

We recently shared an article about why employees don’t like HR. Unfortunately, the article we shared is sadly just one of many articles. Articles about why employees don’t like HR, can’t trust HR, why HR is not your friend, and that HR just treats employees as assets. As an HR professional who loves her job, …

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Benefits Administration, EZ HR

Eliminate Your Open Enrollment Stress

It’s time for benefits Open Enrollment. Typically, not the most exciting time of the year for HR. It can be the most frustrating, the most time-consuming, and the most stressful for your employees. Employers must navigate rising health care costs, aggressive high inflation, hybrid work arrangements, and high employee expectations. The past couple of years …

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Benefits Administration, EZ HR, HR Management, HR Strategy, Payroll Administration


According to Forbes, an estimated 50 percent of large companies outsource all or some of their HR services. Small businesses are now following the lead of larger companies and have quickly recognized this is cost effective alternative. Businesses are turning to HR outsourcing (HRO) firms for help in managing payroll, legal compliance, benefits and HR …

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Employee Relations, HR Management, HR Strategy


“There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow. It goes without saying that no company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve …

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HR Innovation, HR Management

So, what does HR really do? Part 2

We’ve discussed the tactical side (Part 1 of 2) of HR, however, there’s also what we call the strategic function (where HR really makes a difference). HR Solves Problems HR sees it all. What other department can recruit your most difficult position, face down the EEOC, negotiate contracts, settle arguments among employees, and run a blood …

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HR Management

So, what does HR really do? Part 1

You’d be surprised by how many people we come across who don’t really have a full understanding of everything we do, or can do, as HR professionals. HR is often considered as a one-dimensional caricature, either Toby Flenderson from The Office, a party planner with not much else to do, or some corporate spy whose …

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Breaking News, HR Management, HR Updates

Form I-9 Alert: Policy Allowing Expired Documents Scheduled to End

Beginning May 1, employers will no longer be able to accept expired identity documents when verifying an employee’s work eligibility on Form I-9. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is ending its temporary COVID-19-related policy of allowing employers to use expired List B identity documents for I-9 purposes. List B identity documents include driver’s …

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Breaking News, Compliance for HR, HR Updates

Supreme Court Rules – Blocked Biden Vaccine Mandate; Healthcare Workers Must Be Vaccinated

On Thursday, January 13, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the vaccine mandate introduced by President Joe Biden that would have required employers with more than 100 employees to require all employees be vaccinated or wear masks and be tested weekly. The mandate, promulgated by the federal workplace safety agency, OSHA, would have impacted more …

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Employee Relations, HR Management

Taking stock of your performance review process – HR Affiliates Blog

Performance reviews are typically used by companies to evaluate employees and make decisions regarding compensation, training, career development, and promotions. Lately, however, the focus has shifted away from a trail of documentation and toward providing feedback and coaching to aid employees in their development. As always, an efficient HR team is critical to the success …

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Compliance for HR, HR Updates

OSHA Suspends Implementation and Enforcement of COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing Mandate

On Nov. 16, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) suspended its implementation and enforcement activities of the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard it published on Nov. 5, 2021. The agency posted a brief statement on its webpage stating:  “While OSHA remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities …

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HR Updates

Breaking News Update: Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden Administration’s New Vaccine-or-Testing Policy

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has issued a stay temporarily blocking President Biden’s new COVID-19 vaccination-or-testing policy for businesses with at least 100 employees companywide. The court issued the ruling after a range of lawsuits were filed in states across the country challenging the policy. The appeals court granted the emergency …

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Compliance for HR, HR Updates

BREAKING NEWS: OSHA Issues COVID-19 Workplace Vaccine and Testing Mandate

This morning, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to implement President Biden’s vaccine mandate stating that employers with 100 or more workers must require COVID-19 vaccinations or a weekly negative test result before coming to work. The implementation of the vaccine mandate will impact more than …

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Compliance for HR, HR Innovation, HR Management

How Professional Employer Organizations can help your business. Or not. – HR Affiliates Blog

The limited pros and myriad of cons of Professional Employer Organizations Professional employer organizations (PEOs) require a “joint-employment relationship” with their clients. Under this arrangement, the PEO hires the employees from their clients and leases them back to their original employer. This allows the PEO to “share and manage employee-related responsibilities and liabilities,” including outsourcing …

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HR Management, HR Updates

How will the new mask recommendations impact your workplace? – HR Affiliates Blog

New Mask Recommendations and the Workplace The CDC is now recommending that everyone – including fully vaccinated individuals – wear masks in indoor public settings in all areas with substantial and high transmission of the COVID-19 virus and get tested following exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. New CDC Recommendations For Fully Vaccinated Individuals …

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Compliance for HR, HR Innovation, HR Management

What are Professional Employer Organizations? – HR Affiliates Blog

You’ve probably seen certain large, well-known companies here on LinkedIn and other social media and networking sites advertise their HR services. They’ll offer to do payroll administration, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, employment taxes, even employee relations, recruiting and training, at a lower cost than having an internal HR department.   Sounds good, right? Sure. Who doesn’t …

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Compliance for HR, Hiring Strategy, HR Management

Department of Labor pulls independent contractor rule. – HR Affiliates Blog

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has withdrawn the previous administration’s rule that allowed businesses to more easily classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees.  “The department believes that the rule is inconsistent with the [Fair Labor Standards Act’s] FLSA’s text and purpose and would have a confusing and disruptive effect on workers and …

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Employee Relations, HR Management

15 Ways to Create a Remote Work Environment Where Employees Feel Valued – HR Affiliates Blog

Creating a remote work environment where employees feel valued is vital to a company’s success. The question is not whether or not employees are valued but whether or not employees feel valued. Many employees are trusted by their supervisors and management, but if their company’s leadership doesn’t show their appreciation, productivity suffers and employees may …

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Compliance for HR

OSHA Posting Requirements have changed due to Covid. Learn how these changes can affect your employees and your business. – HR Affiliates Blog

For those employers that are required to post OSHA’s Form 300-A, the agency provided an update for 2021. If you aren’t sure whether you are required to post, check the list of exempt industries here. For all OSHA recordkeeping requirements, click here.  Will OSHA expect employers to post their 300A Form in 2021? Check out this …

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Compliance for HR, HR Management

U.S. Department of Labor Clarifies Independent Contractor Status Under the FLSA – HR Affiliates Blog

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently published a final rule on its interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) classification that determines whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. According to the DOL, there are no significant changes from the independent contractor rule proposed in September 2020. That rule adopted …

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Compliance for HR


On January 21, 2021, President Biden issued an “Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety,” which requires the Department of Labor (“DOL”), acting through its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), to issue new COVID-19 workplace safety guidance for employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act within two weeks of the date of …

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HR Management

Most Effective Practices for Conducting Workplace Investigations – HR Affiliates Blog

Employers should take immediate action steps when an employee files a complaint. Being both proactive and responsive to internal complaints helps gather information quicker and increases the investigator’s chances of receiving the most accurate, and up-to-date details. Investigations help companies determine internal issues and resolve them before they become an issue across the board. With …

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HR Management

The Need for Employee Handbooks Are Rising – HR Affiliates Blog

Employee handbooks are a key component of a business’s ability to function properly. Communication is key, and having an employee handbook highlights essential information — from policies and procedures to holiday schedules, to defining everyday team expectations. They establish your company culture. HR Affiliates believes your employee handbook should encapsulate your values and brand voice, …

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HR Management

Returning to Work? Secure Compliance by Revisiting Your Policies and Procedures – HR Affiliates Blog

As states nationwide prepare to reopen their businesses for operation, it’s essential that business owners review current policies and procedures to instill consistency, structure, and compliance. As a business owner, you should have plans to revisit your policies and consider making the necessary accommodations to encourage a smooth transition. Without policies and procedures, your business …

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HR Management

COVID-19 Employer Support: Revisit Your Discrimination Policy Before Returning to Work – HR Affiliates Blog

Despite the hesitation surrounding the reopening of businesses during COVID-19, companies are slowly returning to work, and now more than ever, employers should have plans to keep harassment and discrimination laws at the forefront. Adjusting back to the office will present new challenges — many of which will link directly to discrimination in race and age. …

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HR Management

COVID-19 FAQ: Guidance in Keeping Your Business on Track Through the Pandemic15 Ways to Create a Remote Work Environment Where Employees Feel Valued 15 Ways to Create a Remote Work Environment Where Employees Feel Valued – HR Affiliates Blog

As the number of COVID-19 cases grows in the United States, the unemployment rate suffers — leading businesses to adopt a variety of employee-related measures to manage the effect of the pandemic. With so many changes underway, also comes misinformation and confusion. HR Affiliates is here to confront any business-related questions or concerns surrounding COVID-19.  Address …

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HR Management

Is the Future of Your Business at Risk Without Policies and Procedures in Place? – HR Affiliates Blog

Behind every prosperous business is an HR company that helps instill consistency, structure, and compliance. Without policies and procedures in place, your business growth may be hindered. To aid businesses in structuring specific policies and procedures for their employees, we work closely with our clients to develop guidelines that accompany their workplace policies to ensure …

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HR Management


The “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” (H.R. 6201) has passed the Senate and been signed by President Donald Trump. A portion of this Act addresses paid leave for employees affected by COVID-19. Other portions of the bill address a variety of concerns related to COVID-19, including an Emergency Food Assistance Program and coverage for testing of COVID-19. This …

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Employee Relations

How Well Do You Understand the EEOC? Avoid Fines and Develop Policies in Advance – HR Affiliates Blog

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency in charge of implementing and enforcing laws regarding non-discrimination in the workplace. As topics surrounding workplace bias continue to publicize, the emphasis on understanding the EEOC grows stronger. A non-discriminatory workplace where employees feel safe and situations are addressed with urgency is crucial to your …

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Employee Relations

Invest In Your Team: Workplace Diversity + Inclusion Training are Paving the Way – HR Affiliates Blog

Sixty-seven percent of job seekers said a diverse workplace is important when considering job offers. Candidates are in search of work environments that prioritize inclusivity. Diversity training makes teamwork possible — they emphasize the need for a variety of viewpoints, as well as highlighting the benefits of collaboration between employees and work tasks. A diversity …

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HR Management

3 Ways to Successfully Implement Contemporary Workplace Policies – HR Affiliates Blog

One of the most pressing concerns employers have in 2019 is handling their company’s workplace policies. The importance of notifying employees of company changes is imperative to maintaining structure and ensuring that employees know their rights— and their role. As society shifts, workplace policies have gained complexity while navigating through contemporary practices. By law, employers …

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Compliance for HR

From Compliance to Strategy – HR Affiliates Blog

JENNIFER WHEATLEY, SHRM-SCP, SPHR Strategically Aligning HR with Your Business Goals It’s not easy running a company, especially in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business world. Technological advances, new hiring strategies, and political changes due to a new administration all add to the existing challenges business owners face. Ensuring that the right systems and resources are in …

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Employee Relations

Driving Employee Engagement – HR Affiliates Blog

Written By: Jennifer Wheatley, SHRM-SCP, SPHR What is Employee Engagement? It is no surprise that recruiting and retaining good employees is more difficult than it has ever been. The economy is improving, job opportunities are plentiful, and the available pool of qualified candidates is decreasing. Applicants and employees have more options when it comes to …

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HR Management

Workplace Violence: Today’s Reality – HR Affiliates Blog

Written by: Jennifer Wheatley, SHRM-SCP, SPHR Addressing Workplace Violence Almost daily, we hear about another incident at a school, shopping center, or business where a violent event has occurred. Unfortunately, the number of workplace violence incidences is on the rise. The FBI reported that out of 160 active shooters between 2000 and 2013, 45.6% were …

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HR Innovation


IS IT OK TO ALLOW EMPLOYEES TO DRINK ALCOHOL AT WORK? Your company probably isn’t much like Sterling Cooper, the advertising agency from Mad Men. However, in 2023, you should have something Sterling Cooper didn’t: a clear policy about drinking alcohol at work. Sure, the days of the three-martini lunch are largely gone, but if you …

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HR Innovation

5 Times You’ll Be Glad You Had HR – HR Affiliates Blog

We’ve found that companies often don’t realize they need HR services until it’s too late. In this blog post, we focus on 5 specific instances when you’ll be incredibly happy that you’ve employed a human resources professional. 1. Opening your business When starting a business, HR will help eliminate a lot of unnecessary headache. More …

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HR Innovation

We’re Busting These 3 HR Myths – HR Affiliates Blog

HR commonly has a reputation for being boring, for encouraging tattling or complaining, and for killing expressive thought and behavior. In this blog post, we carefully dismantle each of these myths, countering them with relevant info on how HR is necessary for a successful, thriving business. Myth 1: HR is boring. Somehow, people have gotten …

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HR Management

The Cost Benefit Analysis of Human Resources – HR Affiliates Blog

To fully understand the Cost Benefit of your Human Resources Department, it is important to acknowledge what the responsibilities are at each level and who is accountable. Transactional Level responsibilities frequently include daily functions as they relate to compliance adherence, payroll, employee relations, employee benefits and administration, and initial recruiting/hiring functions. Operational Level responsibilities concentrate …

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Hiring Strategy

Why Should I Use a Staffing Agency? – HR Affiliates Blog

Many employers have difficulty finding qualified candidates to fill job openings. Employers are quick to say there is a talent pool that lacks job skills, business knowledge, experience and formal qualifications. However, many of these same employers often avoid using staffing agencies because they believe cost to be a barrier. Frankly, this is the furthest …

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Hiring Strategy

Utilizing Different Types of Employment Screening Tests – HR Affiliates Blog

Most companies test applicants for employment however the tests must be properly administered and non-discriminatory. Employers often use tests and other selection procedures to screen new applicants that they are considering hiring. The types of tests and selection procedures used include background checks, skills tests, credit checks, cognitive tests, personality tests, medical examinations to name …

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HR Management

HR Advantages: Small vs. Large Businesses – HR Affiliates Blog

In order to meet the demands of their organization’s objectives, HR Managers must bring a high level of business acumen as well as creative solutions in order to balance employee expectations, regulatory oversight, and budgetary restraints. Think the large corporations have a hands-down advantage? The smaller organizations might just surprise you then! Consider the following …

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Employee Relations

Sexual Harassment: Were Employee’s Demands Protected Activity? – HR Affiliates Blog

Recently, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals–which covers Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee—found that an employee’s demand that a supervisor stop his harassing conduct constituted protected activity covered by the opposition clause of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This article explores the Title VII sexual harassment and retaliation analysis when …

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HR Management

Payroll Systems Pros and Cons – HR Affiliates Blog

Payroll systems for the most part, are generally classified as being in-house or outsourced. Sometimes, very small employers generate payroll on a manual basis, but in this world of automation this can lead to errors in reporting and compliance. A good system will not only allow you to pay employees and file payroll taxes, but …

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HR Innovation

Improve Profitability with HR Tools – HR Affiliates Blog

The demand continues to maintain high profit margins at most businesses, and to increase production while ensuring the best customer service remains intact. There are many programs that have proven to greatly assist in achieving these goals and the overall performance of many businesses. It is advisable to have measures in place for any programs …

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HR Management

The 3 Levels of HR – HR Affiliates Blog

All too often, the trend among small to medium size businesses is to focus on head count subscribing to the rule of thumb that each person must do their share by holding multiple role responsibilities. If, however, you hope to grow your organization, your HR department should be the first place to start. In order …

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HR Management

What is Required for Affirmative Action Plans & When are They Necessary? – HR Affiliates Blog

Eliminating discrimination in the workplace remains a high priority for the government. One of the ways the United States combats discrimination is through affirmative action plans. Affirmative action plans are guidelines that encourage companies to actively seek out employees, vendors and contractors who belong to minority groups. For instance, a government contractor may implement a …

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Blair S. Gordon


Blair was a terrible golfer with a “hole in one.” Now he’s a hiking enthusiast.

Office / 502.485.9675
Mobile / 502.802.8213

Amy Olds


Sr. People Advisor and Client Relationship Manager

Amy studied opera and has a degree in vocal/music education. She puts her training to use in the car singing along with the radio and occasional karaoke.

Mobile / 502.641.9034

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